Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Schwarzenegger Inserts Foot in Mouth

From http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071029/ap_on_re_eu/schwarzenegger_marijuana_1

"Arnold Schwarzenegger says marijuana is not a drug, a British magazine
reported Monday. But his spokesman said the governor was joking.

"That is not a drug. It's a leaf," Schwarzenegger told GQ. "My drug was
pumping iron, trust me."

From the way it looks in this article Schwarzenegger's Press Secretary Aaron McLear drew clean up duty for this stupid comment. I find it absolutely hilarious when public figures stick a foot in their mouth and then use their hired hands to clean up the mess. McLear is quoted in the article as saying that the comment was taken out of context. In other words that is not what the Governor meant to say after he realized what a dumb comment he had just made.

Unfortunately I don't follow California politics very closely, but I sure hope that the Governor does not have a get tough stance on drugs. I especially hope that he does not have a get tough stance on marijuana because after all, "That is not a drug. It's a leaf."

It is mentioned in the article that Schwarzenegger has admitted to using marijuana in the past and it also states in the article that the marijuana use was 30 years ago. I do have to hand it to Schwarzenegger for being honest which is more than what can be said for most politicians. Most politicians would deny that they did it, or they would dance around the issue.

I do have to hand it to Arnold though he had his facts straight if you look up marijuana in Webster's Dictionary is does states that it is a plant. Way to go Arnold on almost having the exact definition!

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