Thursday, November 1, 2007

Using Kids as Pawns

I finally had to come back to work tonight after having nine days off for vacation. One thing I have discovered is that vacation and days off always go way too fast.

One of the most frustrating things that I have to deal with in my job is dealing with the same people over and over. We can always tell when a couple is going through a nasty divorce. We usually get numerous piddly calls from each half of the couple. Tonight we had a husband call and tell us that we needed to go check on an 11 year old girl that was left home alone. Well first of all, in our state it is not illegal for an 11 year old to be left home alone. We did send an officer to check to make sure the child was okay. When the officer got to the house the child was with her grandparents. The husband originally did not want to let us know who was calling so we sent the officer on an anonymous tip. Once the officer cleared the house the husband called back and now all of the sudden he wanted to leave his name to complain about the officer not doing anything.

I find this absolutely sickening that people constantly use their children as pawns. This brings up another issue, kids see things like this happening and they begin to think that this is normal behavior and then they pass this on to their children and it just becomes a continuous cycle. I guess I should look at the bright side of the continuous cycle it is job security for me.

If I had to pick one part of my job that I hate the most it would have to be dealing with domestic abuse. The thing that I hate most about domestics is when we keep talking to the same people over and over because they keep going back to the abuser. I feel sorry for people the first couple of times but I am not sure if it is cold and callous of me but I stop feeling sorry for people after a certain point. You know the first time that there is abuse it could just be an argument that got out of hand (not that there is ever a good excuse for domestic abuse). I can maybe see working things out and getting back together. However, if there is a second instance to me that is the start of a pattern and I can not fathom a valid reason for getting back together with the person who is abusing you. Like I said earlier job security.


Elise said...

The poor kid! Its okay when two people decide they don't want to be together but its disgusting when they start using their children to get back at each other.

Moooooog35 said...

There's always something to be said about job security.

For me, it's people who continue to screw up their computers.

For you, people who beat each other up.


Thank you for the link, by the way!